引用本文:李常友. 胜利油田注水井增注技术新进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 73-77.
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胜利油田主要以注水开发为主,油田现有欠注层1 954层, 日欠注8.6×104 m3,其中低渗欠注层576层,日欠注1.2×104 m3。对国内外解堵增注技术主要进展进行了阐述,对胜利油田近年来在注水井增注方面进展情况进行总结,针对不同欠注原因实施了相应的解堵增注措施,主要有在中高渗储层实施了以盐酸、土酸为主的酸化解堵增注措施,在低渗油田中实施了解堵、基质处理及活性降压增注工艺技术,在物理增注方面,主要实施了水力深穿透射流射孔、水平井径向钻进技术、振动解堵增注技术,配套了前期预处理及后期排液等配套技术,并简要进行了对比分析。在新技术应用方面,主要对表面改性降压增注技术、脉冲解堵增注技术试验应用情况进行了总结分析,针对目前欠注注水井存在的问题提出了下步攻关方向。 
关键词:  胜利油田  注水井增注  酸化解堵  表面改性  高聚能电脉冲 
New progress of injection technology for water injection well in Shengli oilfield
Li Changyou
Oil Production Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying 257000, Shandong, China
Shengli oilfield was mainly developed by water flooding. There were 1 954 layers that had not adequate water injection, which was short of 8.6×104 m3 per day. There were 576 layers in low permeability oilfield among them, which was short of 1.2×104 m3 per day. The main plugging removal and increase injection techniques at home and abroad are described in this paper. Particularly, the development of these techniques in Shengli oilfield was summarized, and the fitting injection measures were collected according to different short shot reasons in Shengli oilfield. The acidification with hydrochloric acid and mud acid in mid-high permeability reservoir and plug removal, matrix processing and activity of decreasing pressure and augmented injection technology in low permeability oilfield are implemented. In the aspect of physical stimulation, the technologies such as hydraulic deep penetration perforation, horizontal well drilling technology and the radial vibration of plugging removal technology, and added the matching technology of preprocessing and post discharge were mainly implemented. With the application of new technology, the surface modification of increasing injection technology, and pulse plugging removal test application technology conditions were analyzed. Finally, the research direction for the next step was put forward, aiming at the problems in short injection.
Key words:  Shengli oilfield  injection well stimulation  acid defuse plugging  surface modification  high energy electrical pulses