引用本文:黄战卫,张育超,邱家友,郭亮,姬伟,钟智勇,等. 安塞油田压裂工艺进展及下步发展方向[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 78-81.
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黄战卫, 张育超, 邱家友, 郭亮, 姬伟, 钟智勇, 史小亮, 王延
安塞油田属典型的“低压、低渗、低产”油藏,新建油井只有通过压裂改造方能投产,大部分老井需进行重复改造保证持续稳产。为此,自20世纪80年代以来,积极探索和完善了安塞油田压裂工艺,已基本形成了控水和体积压裂两大技术体系。回顾了安塞油田压裂工艺进展,并分析了现有工艺技术的适应性,指出了下步发展方向,旨在为同类油藏压裂改造提供借鉴和参考。 
关键词:  安塞油田  压裂工艺  工艺进展  发展方向 
Technological progress and developing direction of fracturing technology in Ansai oilfield
Huang Zhanwei, Zhang Yuchao, Qiu Jiayou, Guo Liang, Ji We, Zhong Zhiyong, Shi Xiaoliang, Wang Yan
Oil Production Plant No.1, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yan’an 716000, Shaanxi, China
Ansai oilfield is a typical low-permeability, low pressure, and low productivity reservoir. The new oil well only can be built by fracturing , and most of other wells still need multiple fracturing to improve its productivity.Therefore, the fracturing technology has being actively explored and improved since the 1980s in Ansai oilfield; and has been basically formed two technical systems as “water control” and “volume fracturing”. This paper reviews the development of fracturing, analyses the existing technology adapted in Ansai oilfield, and points out developing direction of fracturing technology in order to provide the reference for the similar reservoir.
Key words:  Ansai oilfield  fracturing technology  technological progress  developing direction