引用本文:司云航,朱玉琴,邹蓉梅,郭凡,王嘉春. 我国车用柴油标准现状及发展趋势[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 82-86.
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司云航1, 朱玉琴1, 邹蓉梅2, 郭凡1, 王嘉春3
描述了我国车用柴油标准的发展历程,简要分析了其现状,总结了我国车用柴油标准7项重要技术指标的发展趋势,并分析了其不断改进的原因。车用柴油标准一直向着油品清洁化的方向趋严发展,相比欧美日,中国车用柴油标准相对滞后,提高我国油品质量势在必行。所加工原油性质重质化、劣质化,装置生产能力低,催化剂竞争力不足是影响我国柴油质量升级的主要因素。基于此,展望了我国车用柴油新标准:制定符合国情的车用柴油标准、给予炼厂适当的财政补贴、严格落实对车用柴油的实施监管、研发并普及具有自主知识产权的清洁柴油生产核心技术。 
关键词:  车用柴油  技术指标  现状  发展趋势  展望 
Current situation and development trend of automobile diesel standards in China
Si Yunhang1, Zhu Yuqin1, Zou Rongmei2, Guo Fan1, Wang Jiachun3
1.Xi 'an Shiyou University, Xi 'an 710065, Shaanxi, China;2.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd, Southwest Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;3.Xinjiang Dushanzi Tianli High&New Tech Co., Ltd, Dushanzi 833600, Xinjiang,China
This paper describes the evolution course of automotive diesel standards in China, and briefly analyzes the current situation, then summarizes the development trend of their seven important technical indexes, finally analyzes the reasons of their continuous improvement. Automotive diesel standards have been developing straight forward the direction of clean oil. Compared with EU, USA and Japan, automotive diesel standards relatively lag behind others in China, so it is imperative to improve the quality of the product. The heavy and inferior properties of the crude oil process, the low production capacity of installations, and the lack of competitive catalysts have limited the upgrading of diesel quality in China. Based on the above reasons, a new automotive diesel standard will be prospected, namely formulating automotive diesel standard in line with China's national conditions, giving appropriate financial subsidies to refineries, supervising the implementation of automotive diesel fuel in China, developing and popularizing the core technology of diesel production.
Key words:  automotive diesel fuels  technical index  current situation  prospect