引用本文:许晶,赵东风,赵志强. HAZOP再审查方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 99-103.
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许晶1, 赵东风2, 赵志强3
HAZOP评价方法被全球范围内的化工企业和设计单位采用,以分析工艺过程的危险性,然而标准规范规定若干年后各企业需要再一次进行工艺危害分析。目前,并没有系统的方法指导如何进行HAZOP再审查,盲目地重做HAZOP只会耗时耗力。HAZOP再审查的概念被引入,并提出了再审查的具体流程和方式,在初次HAZOP分析的基础上,主要从变更管理、事故分析、HAZOP分析报告质量评估等方面入手,采用专家小组打分法来确定再审查的方式,进而通过得分情况决定是重做HAZOP还是更新HAZOP,最终选取最恰当的方式使HAZOP分析结果重具效力,这样可以更好更快地指导企业开展HAZOP再审查。 
关键词:  HAZOP  再审查  更新  工艺危害分析  变更管理 
Study of HAZOP revalidation approach
Xu Jing1, Zhao Dongfeng2, Zhao Zhiqiang3
1.College of Electromechanical Engineering, China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580,Shandong, China;2.College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, China University of PetroleumEast China, Qingdao 266580, Shandong,China;3.Qingdao Oasis Environment & Safety Technology Co.,Ltd,Qingdao 266555,Shandong, China
HAZOP evaluation method is used to analyze the risk of process by the worldwide chemical enterprises and design units. However, Standard Specification for many countries stipulate that the enterprise needs to carry on the process hazard analysis once again (revalidating) in several years later. The goal of periodic revalidation is to identify the cumulative changes of risk over time and to improve understanding of risk. The ultimate goal is to avoid accidents,but there is no systematic approach to guide the HAZOP revalidation at present. If we redo HAZOP blindly (performing a new HAZOP similar to the initial one), it will only be time-consuming. This paper introduces the concept of HAZOP revalidation which is based on the analysis of initial HAZOP and discusses many factors that need to be considered for the revalidation such as the change management, accident analysis and HAZOP report quality. At the same time,the specific procedure and approach of the HAZOP revalidation are proposed. The panel of experts scoring method is used to determine the revalidating approach and then decide whether to redo or update the initial HAZOP. If the scoring results suggest to redo the HAZOP, then the Hazard and Operability Analysis were conducted in accordance with the complete HAZOP procedures; if the scoring results suggest to update the initial HAZOP,then previous HAZOP analysis results were modified and supplemented to meet enterprise current status. This approach is not only time-saving, but also more targeted which can guide enterprises to conduct better and faster HAZOP revalidation.
Key words:  HAZOP  revalidation  update  process hazard analysis  change of management