引用本文:陈洪明,郭简,秦飞虎,杜晓冬,秦利峰,夏万勇. 山西晋城煤层气粉尘净化研究初探[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 104-107.
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陈洪明1, 郭简1, 秦飞虎2, 杜晓冬1, 秦利峰1, 夏万勇3
对比分析了3种滤芯在实际生产条件下的净化总效率、分粒度净化效率、运行稳定性、生产安全性、可再生性等主要指标,评述了实验室检测数据。结果 表明,经特殊设计的具有通透拦截效应的高镍金属滤芯较通过聚结原理工作的纤维型滤芯更胜任高流速、粉尘浓度多变且含湿煤层气的工作条件,其技术指标更具优势。 
关键词:  煤层气开采  集输工艺  粉尘净化  煤粉防治  过滤分离 
Primary investigation of CBM-dusts purification in Jincheng of Shanxi
Chen Hongming1, Guo Jian1, Qin Feihu2, Du Xiaodong1, Qin Lifeng1, Xia Wanyong3
1.PetroChina Huabei Oilfield CBM Branch Company,Jincheng 048000, Shanxi, China;2.CNPC Jichai Power Equipment Company Chengdu Compressor Plant, Chengdu 610100, Sichuan, China;3.Sichuan Jiangyou Kelyu Purification Instruments Limited Company, Mianyang 621701,Sichuan, China
This paper investigated and compared the gross-efficiency of purification, efficiency of sizing particles purification, stability of operation, safety of exploitation and economy of three types of filtration cores in the practical condition. Through test data evaluation, the result showed that the special designed nickel-based metal filtration core with the effects of penetration & interception is more competent than that of fiber filtration core with the effects of coalesce in the CBM purification featured with high flow velocity, variable concentration of dusts and water-containing, and it has technology and economy advantages.
Key words:  coal-bed methane exploitation  gathering and transportation process  dusts purification  coal particles prevention  filtration separation