引用本文:韩卓,郭威,张太亮,王扬,邹京伦,李泽锋. 非常规压裂返排液回注处理实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(1): 108-112.
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韩卓1, 郭威2, 张太亮2, 王扬1, 邹京伦1, 李泽锋2
油气井作业过程中产生的压裂返排液已成为当前油田地表水体主要污染源之一。对非常规开采压裂返排液进行了主要污染成分分析,结合油田现场处理现状提出了回注处理工艺,并进行了实验研究。结果 表明,在采用破胶、Fe/C微电解、混凝和压滤的处理工艺后,压裂返排液达到ρ(悬浮物)<10 mg/L、ρ(油)<30 mg/L、pH值为6~9的标准要求。该研究为压裂返排液回注处理工艺、装置的设计及现场实施提供了实验基础。 
关键词:  非常规压裂返排液  破胶  微电解  混凝 
Experimental study on reinjection treatment of unconventional fracturing flow-back fluid
Han Zhuo1, Guo Wei2, Zhang Tailiang2, Wang Yang1, Zou Jinglun1, Li Zefeng2
1.Technology Inspection Center of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying 257000, Shandong, China;2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
Flow-back waste water from fracturing operation in the production process of oil and gas wells has become one of main pollution sources in the oilfield. This paper analyzed the main pollution components of the unconventional drilling fracturing flow-back fluid, put forward the disposal reinjection treatment process according to the present situation of oilfield site, and carried out experimental research. The results showed that the standards (SS<10 mg/L, oil content<30 mg/L, pH=6-9) could be reached by series of disposal methods, such as gel breaking, ferric-carbon micro-electrolysis, flocculation and filter pressing. Aiming to meet the requirements of reinjection, experimental basis for design and implementation of treatment device and disposing of flow-back fluid from unconventional fracturing were provided.
Key words:  unconventional fracturing fluid  gel breaking  micro-electrolysis  flocculation