引用本文:唐浠,瞿杨,张云光,何培东,徐飞. CBA硫磺回收反应器技术改造探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 135-139.
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唐浠, 瞿杨, 张云光, 何培东, 徐飞
CBA反应器是美国BV公司四级转化冷床吸附(Cold Bed Adsorption,以下简称 CBA)工艺中的重要设备。在重庆天然气净化总厂引进分厂CBA装置各级反应器人孔处多次出现耐火衬里垮塌、催化剂泄漏,引起液硫管线堵塞,从而造成多次临停事故。针对这一问题,对该处衬里垮塌分别从工艺和设备两方面的原因进行了分析。最后从工艺方面提出了低负荷运行时加燃料气与酸气混烧以提高反应器温度的改造方案,从设备方面提出了对人孔附近保温结构、本体结构、衬里结构等多方面进行改进的改造方案,经过上述技术改造后效果明显。 
关键词:  CBA反应器  耐火衬里  垮塌  硫磺回收  技术改造 
Technical renovation of CBA sulfur recovery reactor
Tang Xi, Qu Yang, Zhang Yunguang, He Peidong, Xu Fei
Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401259,China
CBA reactor is the crucial equipment of four-stage transformation cold bed adsorption technology of the BV Company. In Yinjin Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, there were many times of temporary shutdown incidents caused by the collapse of refractory liner and the leakage of catalyst at the manholes of the Claus reactors, which result in choking up of liquid sulfur pipeline. Reasons based on technology and equipment were analyzed. As a result, in the chemical technology aspects, it was pointed out that adding fuel gas mixing with the acid gas could increase the temperature of reactors under low load operation. In the aspect of equipment, improving the insulation construction, ontology structure and inside structure near the manholes were proposed. The technical renovation schemes have already made a significant difference.
Key words:  CBA reactor  refractory liner  collapse  sulfur recovery  technical renovation