引用本文:李芹,雷鑫宇,李文涛,张直建,陈大钧. LXX型冲洗液的室内研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 185-187.
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李芹1, 雷鑫宇2, 李文涛1, 张直建1, 陈大钧1
在固井施工中,为了提高水泥环与地层的胶结性,实现有效层间的良好封隔,保证油井的正常生产和后续增产措施的顺利实施,需要提高注水泥浆的各项性能。通过大量室内实验,确定冲洗液的配方;该冲洗液对低固相滤饼的冲洗效率超过80% ,且通过微观分析,冲洗液中的活性材料有效地预留在了岩心表面,形成“活性楔子”,有效地提高界面胶结能力。 
关键词:  冲洗液  冲洗效率  楔合效应  胶结强度  微观分析 
Research on performance of LXX flushing fluid
Li Qin1, Lei Xinyu1, Li Wentao2, Zhang Zhijian1, Chen Dajun1
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chendu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.PetroChina Great Wall Drilling Company, Beijing 124000,China
In order to improve the cementation of cement annulus and formation, realizing effective interlayer good packer, maintaining the normal production of oil well and the smooth implementation of the follow-up measures to increase production, various properties of slurry need to be improved during cementing. In this article, the flushing fluid formula is determined through a large number of laboratory experiments. The washing efficiency of flushing fluid is more than 80% towards low solid phase mud cake. Moreover, it is found that the active material of the fluid is effectively reserved on the surface of the core through the micro analysis,which forms some “active wedges” and improves the cementation ability of interface effectively.
Key words:  flushing fluid  washing efficiency  wedge effect  cementing strength  micro analysis