引用本文:王海峰,李佳,孙国华,宋小平. 基准气体热量计研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 196-199.
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王海峰, 李佳, 孙国华, 宋小平
综述了基准气体热量计的研究进展。在天然气能量计量溯源体系中,基准热量计主要用于测量纯气体热值,为根据组成计算天然气热值提供基础数据,实现热值结果的量值溯源;也用于测量混合气热值和用于其他热值方法的校准或验证。基准气体热量计发展经历了两个阶段,第一阶段以Rossini热量计为代表,CH4热值测量不确定度约为0.15%;第二阶段在Rossini热量计基础上改进,CH4热值测量不确定度约为0.05%。目前,基准气体热量计在测量CH4之外的纯气体热值和混合气热值等方面,仍然亟待深入研究。 
关键词:  天然气  能量计量  基准气体热量计 
基金项目:国家质量监督检验检疫总局技术改造项目“天然气热值计量装置研制”(31-AJG1210)。 
Research progress of the primary gas calorimeter
Wang Haifeng, Li Jia, Sun Guohua, Song Xiaoping
National Institute of Metrology of China, Beijing 100013, China
The progress on the primary gas calorimeter is reviewed. In the whole system of the traceability of the energy metering of natural gas, the primary gas calorimeter was employed for the determination of the calorific value of pure gases, the basic data for the calculation of the calorific value of natural gas based on their composition, which makes the calorific value traceable to SI units. On the other hand, the primary gas calorimeter can also be used to determine the calorific values of mixed gases for the calibration or validation of other measurement methods. There are two stages for the development of the primary gas calorimeter. In the first stage, the original Rossini gas calorimeter and other work followed were founded, and the uncertainty of calorific value of methane is about 0.15%. In the second stage, the revised Rossini gas calorimeter has been founded and its uncertainty is about 0.05%. But the determination of the calorific value of other pure gases except methane and mixed gases by the primary gas calorimeter remain to explore.
Key words:  natural gas  energy metering  primary gas calorimeter