引用本文:刘磊,罗跃,刘清云,张磬文,刘翩翩,李凡. 江汉油田含油污泥焚烧处理技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(2): 200-203.
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刘磊, 罗跃, 刘清云, 张磬文, 刘翩翩, 李凡
为了解决江汉油田含油污泥的处理问题,在对含油污泥进行组分分析的基础上,对含油污泥掺煤焚烧的最佳掺煤量、腐蚀性、燃烧热值及气体成分进行了测试。研究表明,江汉油田含油污泥具有高含水、高含盐、低含油的特点。含油污泥在掺煤质量分数为60%时效果最佳。含油污泥燃烧热值低、腐蚀速率高、焚烧气体SO2严重超标、蒸馏水吸收液的pH值较低,容易造成设备穿孔、局部酸雨等现象。因此,江汉油田含油污泥因高含水、高含盐、高腐蚀、低含油、低燃烧热值以及江汉地区多雨水、空气湿润等原因,不宜采用焚烧处理技术。 
关键词:  含油污泥  掺煤焚烧  燃烧热值  腐蚀 
Research on oily sludge incineration technology in Jianghan oilfield
Liu Lei, Luo Yue, Liu Qingyun, Zhang Qingwen, Liu Pianpian, Li Fan
College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, Hubei, China
In order to solve the problem of oily sludge treatment of Jianghan oilfield,this article evaluated the best ginseng of coal, corrosion resistance, heat of combustion and gas composition, based on the components analysis of oily sludge. The results indicated that Jianghan oilfield oily sludge has the characteristics of high water content, high salt content and low oil content. The oily sludge works best when the content of coal is 60%. Oily sludge burning showed low calorific value, high corrosion rate, burning gas SO2 exceeding badly, low pH of distilled water absorption liquid, easy to cause perforation equipment and acid rain. Therefore, it is unfavorable to use incineration technology for Jianghan oilfield oily sludge because of high water content, high salt content, high corrosion, low oil content, low combustion heat value, and the rain, moist air of Jianghan district and so on.
Key words:  oily sludge  coal burning  burning hot  corrosion