引用本文:陈赓良,李劲. 对降低尾气处理装置SO2排放的认识与建议[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 217-222.
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陈赓良, 李劲
针对将硫磺回收装置排放尾气中SO2质量浓度从960 mg/m3降至500 mg/m3以下的技术方案,提出通过降低贫液进入SCOT工艺选吸塔的温度及贫液中H2S浓度,可有效地将总硫回收率提高至99.9%以上;若再辅以配方型溶剂的应用,则有望进一步改善选吸效果与总硫回收率。但现有工业数据表明,目前,属于氧化-吸收型的Cansolv总硫回收率低于常规SCOT工艺。因此,对采用Cansolv工艺处理Claus硫磺回收装置尾气的方案宜采取慎重态度。 
关键词:  Claus装置  尾气处理  SCOT工艺  Cansolv工艺  SO2排放浓度 
Review and suggestions on reducing SO2 emission concentration of Claus tail gas treatment unit
Chen Gengliang, Li Jin
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
For the technical plan of reducing SO2 concentration from 960 mg/m3 to below 500 mg/m3 in Claus unit tail gas, it was pointed out that decreasing lean solution temperature and H2S concentration in selective absorber of SCOT unit, the total sulfur recovery rate can be effectively increased to more than 99.9%. If formulated solvents are used in addition, the efficiency of selective absorption and total sulfur recovery rate could be further improved. Currently industrial data showed that Cansolv method belongs to oxidation-absorption technology of tail gas treatment and the total sulfur recovery is lower than that of standard-type SCOT units. Therefore, the adoption of Cansolv technology for treating the tail gas of Claus unit should be carefully reviewed.
Key words:  Claus unit  tail gas treatment  SCOT technology  Cansolv technology  SO2 emission concentration