引用本文:温崇荣,朱荣海,余长春. TiO2基硫磺回收催化剂表面化学特性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 223-227.
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温崇荣1,2,3, 朱荣海1,2,3, 余长春4
随着炼油工业和天然气工业的快速发展,针对SO2排放的环保要求日益严格。对于炼油加工和天然气净化过程所产生的含硫酸性气体,硫磺回收加尾气处理工艺是主要的治理方式,其中TiO2基硫磺回收催化剂逐步得到广泛应用。通过一系列的XPS、XRD、TEM、FT-IR、CO2-TPD、NH3-TPD和吡啶红外分析表征手段,进一步认识到钛基催化剂的表面化学特性,其活性组分为锐钛矿相TiO2,晶粒为纳米级晶粒,具有弱碱性位和中强碱性位。 
关键词:  钛基催化剂  硫磺回收  表面性质 
Surface chemical property study of TiO2 based sulfur recovery catalyst
Wen Chongrong1,2,3, Zhu Ronghai1,2,3, Yu Changchun4
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;3.High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;4.China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
With the rapid development of oil refining industry and natural gas industry, sulfur dioxide emission standard would be increasingly strict. Sulfur recovery and tail gas treatment are the main process for the treatment of sour gas containing hydrogen sulfide from the processing of petroleum and natural gas purification process. TiO2 based sulfur recovery catalyst has been applied widely. By the characterization of XPS, XRD, TEM, FT-IR, CO2-TPD, NH3-TPD and pyridine IR, the results showed that the catalysts were composed of nano-sized anatase phase titanium dioxide with weak and strong basic position.
Key words:  TiO2 based catalyst  sulfur recovery  surface property