引用本文:赵起龙. 辽河油田天然气管网设计特点浅析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 266-270.
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为了研究适合辽河油田地区的天然气管网设计,依据辽河油田各采油厂的用气特点,结合实际工程建立管输模型,利用该模型模拟天然气管网布局,考察流量、温度和压力等参数的变化情况,并根据辽河油田的地理特点,找出适于本地区特点的天然气管网设计。结果 表明,采用自平衡式压力调节系统可以解决各采油厂用气量不均衡性带来的影响;可采用小型定向钻的穿越方式解决地下水位高、河流和沟渠多的问题;同孔多管回拖技术首次在辽河油田应用,取得了良好的效果。 
关键词:  天然气管网  自平衡  小型定向钻  同孔多管回拖 
Analysis of natural gas pipeline network design features of Liaohe Oilfield
Zhao Qilong
China Liaohe Petroleum Engineering Company Limited,Panjin 124010,Liaoning,China
The suitable design of natural gas pipeline network in Liaohe oilfield region was studied. Based on the gas consumption characteristics of each oil production plant in Liaohe Oilfield, the pipeline model was established combining with the actual project. The model was used to simulate the pipeline network layout, and study the parameter changes of flow, temperature and pressure. According to the geographical features, the suitable design of the natural gas pipeline network in this region was identified. The results showed that the self-balancing pressure regulation system could solve the problems caused by unbalancing gas consumption and brought by the oil production plant in Liaohe Oilfield. The small directional drilling crossing mode could be used to solve problems of high ground water, more rivers and ditches. The multiple pipeline back-dragging technology in a same hole was used in Liaohe Oilfield for the first time and got good effect.
Key words:  natural gas pipeline network  self-balancing  small directional drilling  multiple pipeline back-dragging in a same hole