引用本文:朱琳. 宜宾大塔轻烃回收项目工艺设计及参数优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 271-274.
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宜宾大塔轻烃回收项目是对宜宾大塔浅层油气田气进行处理以回收天然气中的轻烃并联产液化天然气(LNG)的项目。根据油气田天然气组分和项目的特点,轻烃回收工艺采用DHX工艺,天然气液化采用单循环双节流混合冷剂制冷工艺。由于宜宾地区的外输气管网压力已定,需要对典型的DHX工艺进行调整优化。采用HYSYS模拟软件对轻烃回收及天然气液化过程进行模拟、计算和优化,对比不同操作温度下工艺装置运行结果,并从能耗、回收率、经济效益等方面进行比较以确定最优的工艺操作参数。 
关键词:  轻烃回收  DHX  回收率  能耗  宜宾大塔 
Process design and parameter optimization of Yibin Data light hydrocarbons recycle project
Zhu Lin
Tianjin Zhenjin Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd,Tianjin 300384, China
Yibin Data light hydrocarbons recycle project deals with gas from shallow oil and gas field to recycle light hydrocarbons, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Data, Yibin. According to the gas components of oil and gas field and characteristics of the project, the direct heat exchange (DHX) technology is adopted to recycle light hydrocarbons and single cycle compound throttling mixed refrigerant-cycle refrigeration (SMCR) is used for natural gas liquefaction. The output pressure of natural gas pipeline network had been set, so the operating parameters of the process need to be optimized. HYSYS was applied to simulate, optimize and calculate the recovery of light hydrocarbons and process of LNG liquefaction. This article analyzed DHX process under different temperatures to optimize operating parameters on the basis of energy consumption, recovery rate and economic benefits.
Key words:  light hydrocarbons recycle  direct heat exchange (DHX)  recovery rate  energy consumption  Yibin Data