引用本文:尹志福,李建东,魏彦林,方晓君,刘杰. 模拟延长油田CO2驱油过程原油结蜡特性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 284-286.
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尹志福, 李建东, 魏彦林, 方晓君, 刘杰
通过对某CO2驱油区块的不同CO2分压条件下原油结蜡倾向和原油结蜡特性评价,计算出原油的结蜡速率、结蜡率及蜡含量,分析了原油的析蜡曲线特性。结果 表明,CO2分压增大时原油的结蜡速率和结蜡率提高,蜡含量降低,蜡析出更明显;经CO2处理作用后原油析蜡点向低温方向移动,其蜡含量也相应地比未处理油样的蜡含量降低。 
关键词:  CO2驱油  结蜡  结蜡速率  析蜡点 
Characteristics of crude oil wax by simulating CO2 flooding process of Yanchang Oilfield
Yin Zhifu, Li Jiandong, Wei Yanlin, Fang Xiaojun, Liu Jie
Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China
The wax deposition tendency and its characteristics in crude oil produce at a CO2 flooding oilfield block were investigated under various CO2 partial pressures. The wax deposition rate, wax deposition percentage and wax content were calculated. The characteristics of wax precipitation point curves were also analyzed. The results indicated that both wax deposition rate and wax deposition percentage of crude oil increased with CO2 partial pressure increasing, while wax content decrease meant wax deposition more significantly. In addition, wax precipitation point of crude oil by CO2-processed moved in the lower temperature direction, and the wax content was lower than that of unprocessed crude oil.
Key words:  CO2 flooding  wax deposition  wax deposition rate  wax precipitation point