引用本文:雷光伦,程明明,高雪梅,刘建英,杨剑. 注入参数对微生物提高采收率的影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 287-291.
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雷光伦1, 程明明1, 高雪梅1, 刘建英2, 杨剑2
从三叠系长6 油藏产出污泥中分离出一株具有较强驱油能力的优势菌株G1-1,并对其进行了驱油能力测试。研究了注入参数对微生物提高采收率的影响,通过岩心模拟驱油实验优选出最佳微生物注入段塞为0.3~0.45 PV,最佳注入速度为现场水驱速度0.48 m/d。采用分段塞注入增油效果最佳,采收率增值可达15.24%。实验结果表明,所选用菌种与油层有良好配伍性,控水稳油效果明显。 
关键词:  微生物  采收率  注入参数  驱油能力  岩心流动实验 
Influence of injection parameter on microbial enhanced oil recovery
Lei Guanglun1, Cheng Mingming1, Gao Xuemei1, Liu Jianying2, Yang Jian2
1.China University of Petroleum East China, Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China;2.PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yan’an 716000, Shaanxi, China
Superiority strains G1-1 was obtained from the sludge samples collected from the Triassic Yanchang 6 reservoir and the oil-displacement capacity was tested. The impact of injection parameter on microbial enhanced oil recovery was researched. Through the artificial core flooding experiments, the best microbial injection slug was optimized to be 0.3-0.45 PV, and the best injection speed was water flooding speed in field trial of 0.48 m/d. The effect of section increasing oil by plug injection was the best, which could improve oil recovery up to 15.24%. The experiment results show that the selected strains have good compatibility with reservoir and obvious stabilizing oil production by water control effect.
Key words:  microbial  recovery factor  injection parameter  displacement ability  artificial core flooding experiment