引用本文:蔡黎,潘春锋,李彦,罗勤,唐蒙. 多气源环境下进入长输管道气质要求探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 313-317.
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蔡黎1,2, 潘春锋1,2, 李彦1,2, 罗勤1,2, 唐蒙1,2
在多气源环境下,进入长输管道的天然气及天然气代用品气质复杂。为保证管道的安全运行和天然气的准确计量,对常规及非常规天然气和天然气代用品的气质情况进行了分析。归纳出多气源环境下,天然气质量和计量对天然气气质情况的要求。对包含总硫、H2S、CO2、CO、H2、O2、固体颗粒物、水含量/水露点在内的多项指标限制条件进行了讨论,并提出进入长输管道的天然气气质指标,为进入长输管道气体气质国家标准的制订做出指导。 
关键词:  多气源  常规天然气  非常规天然气  气质要求 
Discussion on quality requirements of natural gas entering long distance pipeline in multiple gas sources environment
Cai Li1,2, Pan Chunfeng1,2, Li Yan1,2, Luo Qin1,2, Tang Meng1,2
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan , China;2.Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality and Energy Measurement, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
Under multiple gas sources environment, the quality of natural gas and substituted natural gas is quite complex. In order to ensure the safety of long distance pipeline and the natural gas metering accuracy, the gas quality of conventional, unconventional natural gas and substituted natural gas is discussed. The gas quality control demanded in multiple gas sources environment is summarized. In order to formulate the national standard of quality requirements for all kinds of gas entering long-distance transmission pipe networks, the control limits were discussed to find out the limits which including the concentration of total sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, oxygen, particles, and water content/water dew point. These parameters are fully discussed.
Key words:  multiple gas sources  conventional natural gas  unconventional natural  gas quality requirement