引用本文:邢承治,胡兆吉,郝鹏,祝逢栋. 煤制气质量指标比较分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 318-321.
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邢承治1, 胡兆吉2, 郝鹏3, 祝逢栋1
基于煤制气的气质特性,介绍了煤制气气体组分、高位发热量、互换性及水露点等关键的质量指标,与常规天然气进行了逐一的分析比较,指出了煤制气的自身特点及燃气品质,表明了煤制气与常规天然气并网及互换性应用上不存在制约问题,是一种高品质的清洁燃气,是新的能源格局下传统天然气有益和必要的补充,对煤制气新型清洁能源的推广应用及质量标准的编制具有一定的理论参考价值。 
关键词:  煤制气  甲烷  组分指标  发热量  互换性  水露点 
Comparison and analysis for quality index of coal-based substitute natural gas
Xing Chengzhi1, Hu Zhaoji2, Hao Peng3, Zhu Fengdong1
1.CNOOC New Energy Investment Co., Ltd, Huhhot 010010, Inner Mongolia, China;2.School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330029, Jiangxi, China;3.Yili Xintian Coal Chemical Co., Ltd, Xinjiang 835000,China
Based on the quality characteristic of current coal-based substitute natural gas (SNG), the composition, high calorific value,interchangeability and water dew point for coal-based SNG are presented. The comparison between coal-based SNG and conventional natural gas is completed comprehensively, and essential property and fuel gas quality of coal-based SNG are pointed out. It is illustrated that there is no constrained problem for coal-based SNG incorporation and interchange application with traditional natural gas, and the coal-based coal-based SNG is clean fuel gas in high quality as a beneficial and necessary supplementary for conventional natural gas. This paper provides references for coal-based SNG promotion and application as a new kind of clean energy resource, and coal-based SNG quality standard establishment.
Key words:  coal-based substitute natural gas  methane  quality index  calorific value  interchangeability  water dew point