引用本文:苟小静,黄朝齐,龚毅然,陈世明,王灵军. 天然气净化业务能效对标方法探索[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 331-334.
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苟小静1, 黄朝齐2, 龚毅然2, 陈世明2, 王灵军2
按照中国石油勘探与生产分公司要求,西南油气田公司开展了天然气净化业务能效对标试点,采用“细分单元、分级对比”的方法,基本实现了克服天然气净化装置间的差异性、消除不可比因素的影响程度,为油气田上游业务能效对标工作的开展提供了一种可行的思路,并总结了天然气净化业务能效对标技术难点与解决思路。 
关键词:  天然气净化  能效对标  方法  节能降耗 
Energy efficiency benchmarking methods in natural gas purification business
Gou Xiaojing1, Huang Zhaoqi2, Gong Yiran2, Chen Shiming2, Wang Lingjun2
1.Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610051, China;2.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401259, China
According to the requirements of PetroChina Exploration and Production Branch, Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company carried out energy efficiency benchmarking for gas purification business. The method of “subdivision unit, and ratings contrast” was used to basically overcome the differences between purification devices, and eliminate the impact level of non-comparable factors, which provides a feasible idea for energy efficiency benchmarking of oil and gas field upstream business. The technology difficulties and solution ideas of energy efficiency benchmarking in gas purification business were summarized.
Key words:  natural gas purification  energy efficiency benchmarking  method  energy saving and consumption reducing