引用本文:赵晓隆,李会鹏,赵华,卢传竹,李智超. 两种催化油浆的热重反应动力学研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 357-361.
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赵晓隆, 李会鹏, 赵华, 卢传竹, 李智超
采用SDT 2960 Simultaneous DSC-TGA差热-热重分析仪,考察了辽河石化炼油厂两种油浆在N2保护下的热重反应性能,在Coats-Redfern积分法的基础上,对油浆的热重反应数据进行了线性拟合,取得了令人满意的结果。两种油浆在低温区均表现为一级动力学行为,表观活化能分别为29.685 kJ/mol和32.35 kJ/mol;在高温区间均表现为二级动力学行为,表观活化能分别为71.84 kJ/mol和32.095 kJ/mol。低温区间以裂化反应为主,高温区间以缩合反应为主。 
关键词:  催化裂化  油浆  热重  拟合  动力学 
Study on the thermogravimetric reaction dynamics of two kinds of FCC slurry
Zhao Xiaolong, Li Huipeng, Zhao Hua, Lu Chuanzhu, Li Zhichao
Chemical and Environmental Department,Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun 113001,Liaoning, China
The thermogravimetric reaction performances of two kinds of FCC slurry from Liaohe Petrochemical Refinery were studied using SDT 2960 Simultaneous DSC-TGA instrument under the protection of nitrogen. The experimental data was fitted by the Coats-Redfern integral method and satisfactory results were obtained. Both of the oil slurry follow the first order kinetics at the low temperature region,and the apparent activation energy were 29.685 kJ/mol and 32.35 kJ/mol, respectively. However, they are consistent with the secondary dynamic model in the high temperature region,and their apparent activation energy were 71.84 kJ/mol and 32.095 kJ/mol, respectively. Cracking reaction mainly occurs at the low temperature region,while condensation reaction does at the high temperature region.
Key words:  FCC  slurry  thermogravimetric  fitted  dynamics