引用本文:梁政,李双双,张力文,朱小华,田家林. CNG脱水用4A分子筛再生性能实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 362-365, 373.
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梁政1, 李双双1, 张力文2, 朱小华3, 田家林1
研究了应用于CNG深度脱水的4A分子筛再生效果影响因素,以达到优化再生和节能降耗的目的。通过采集3种不同吸附程度的4A分子筛样品,将每种样品分为3组并分别加热至200 ℃、240 ℃和260 ℃,加热时长均为9 h,测定了样品的脱附量,得出了分子筛样品加热时间、再生温度与单位质量脱附量η的关系曲线。结果 表明,4A分子筛适宜的再生温度约为240 ℃,加热时间至少3 h。在不改变某CNG脱水装置设备及其他参数的前提下,将再生温度由200 ℃提升至240 ℃,完成了再生效果评价。结果 表明,虽然再生电耗增加了3.7 kW·h,但加热时间缩短了1.5 h,再生气用量减少了33.4 m3,单次脱水能力由1.8×104 m3提升为2.2×104 m3。 
关键词:  4A分子筛  再生温度  加热时间  CNG  脱水  再生  节能 
Experimental study on regeneration performance of 4A molecular sieve
Liang Zheng1, Li Shuangshuang1, Zhang Liwen2, Zhu Xiaohua3, Tian Jialin1
1.School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co.,Ltd,PetroChina, Baoji 721002, Shaanxi, China;3.Natural Gas Sales Division of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, PetroChina, Chengdu 610017, Sichuan, China
To optimize regeneration and energy saving,the factors influencing the regeneration effect of 4A molecular sieve used in CNG deep dehydration were studied. Three groups of 4A molecular sieve samples with different adsorption level were collected,and each sample was divided into three groups,heated to 200 ℃,240 ℃ and 260 ℃ for 9 hours,respectively. The desorption quantity of samples was measured,and the relation curves among heating time,regeneration temperature,and desorption quantity per unit mass (η) were calculated. The data showed that the suitable regeneration temperature of 4A molecular sieve was about 240 ℃,and the heating time was at least 3 hours. In order to evaluate the regeneration effect of molecular sieve, the regeneration temperature of CNG dehydration plant was risen from 200 ℃ to 240 ℃ with the same equipment and other operating parameters. The results indicated that the regeneration power consumption increased by 3.7 kW·h,but the heating time cut down by 1.5 h and the regeneration gas consumption decreased by 33.4 m3,the dehydration ability could be promoted from 18×103 m3 to 22×103 m3.
Key words:  4A molecular sieve  regeneration temperature  heating time  CNG  dehydration  regeneration  energy saving