引用本文:车明光,王永辉,袁学芳,彭建新,朱绕云,马滨林. 交联酸加砂压裂技术的研究和应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 413-415, 435.
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车明光1,2, 王永辉1,2, 袁学芳3, 彭建新3, 朱绕云3, 马滨林4
关键词:  碳酸盐岩  交联酸  酸携砂压裂  导流能力  酸压 
Research and application of crosslinked acid-adding proppant fracturing technology
Che Mingguang1,2, Wang Yonghui1,2, Yuan Xuefang3, Peng Jianxin3, Zhu Raoyun3, Ma Binlin4
1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development-Langfang,Langfang 065007, Hebei, China;2.Key Laboratory of Reservoir Stimulation,PetroChina,Langfang 065007, Hebei, China;3.PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company,Korla 841000,Xinjiang,China;4.Bazhou Branch of Sinopec Jianghan Petroleum Engineering Co.Ltd.,Korla 841000,China
The carbonate reservoirs in Tarim Oilfield are generally characterized with strong heterogeneity, complex relation between natural fractures and pore space, and unacceptable acid-fracturing effect in the reservoir with poor fissures and pore. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of acid-fracturing and sand fracturing, the research and field trials of acid-adding proppant fracturing is proposed. The slurry of acid-adding proppant fracturing is crosslinked acid, compound artificial fractures with acidizing etch and propping agent are formed, which enlarges the contact area between reservoir and fractures. Because of the good rheological property of heat-resistant and carrier performance, high viscosity and sand laden are kept during treatment. Based on the acid-rock reaction and conductivity experiments, different acid strength of crosslinking acid is used to transport proppant in different treating stages with the purpose of high fracture conductivity. Eight wells have been treated by this technique, with a construction success ratio of 100, as this technology integrates the advantages of acid fracturing and prop fracturing, a new approach to develop lean carbonate reservoir is promising in Tarim Oilfield.
Key words:  carbonate  crosslinked acid  acid-adding proppant fracturing  conductivity  acid-fracturing