引用本文:赵金洲,何弦桀,李勇明,石彦,刘进军. FracproPT软件在二次加砂压裂模拟与施工参数优化中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 416-420.
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赵金洲1, 何弦桀1, 李勇明1, 石彦2, 刘进军2
准噶尔盆地东部X井区为中孔低渗深层稠油油藏,该区块的油层疏松易碎,原油具有高密度、高黏度、凝固点低等特征,开采难度大,对于此类油藏的开发需要采用二次加砂压裂技术,以形成短而宽的高导流能力裂缝。首先,结合前期的压裂施工数据,利用FracproPT压裂软件对X井区13口井的二次加砂压裂施工进行了模拟;然后对比分析了二次加砂压裂与常规压裂的裂缝几何参数;最后对X井区的二次加砂比例、停泵时间、施工排量和加砂量等参数进行了优化。认为FracproPT压裂软件对X井区的压裂施工模拟结果较为准确,二次加砂压裂可以有效控制缝高,扩展裂缝宽度,具有提高裂缝导流能力的作用。该研究对于优化稠油油藏的二次加砂压裂设计和提高二次加砂压裂增产效果具有一定的指导意义。 
关键词:  稠油油藏  压裂  FracproPT  二次加砂  模拟分析 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“转向酸滤失基础理论研究”(51344005);新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-11-1062);四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划(2012JQ0010) 。
Application of FracproPT software in secondary sanding fracturing simulation and construction parameters optimization
Zhao Jinzhou1, He Xianjie1, Li Yongming1, Shi Yan2, Liu Jinjun2
1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and ExploitationSouthwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500, Sichuan,China;2.Zhundong Production Plant of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang 831511, Xinjiang, China
X well field is located in the east of Junggar Basin,which is a medium porosity,low permeable and deep zone heavy oil reservoir. The oil layer is loose and brittle,and the oil has high density,high viscosity,low freezing point and so on. So,it is very difficult to exploit this reservoir. For the development of such reservoir,secondary sanding fracturing is required so as to form a high flow conductivity fracture which is shorter and wider. At first,connected with prophase fracturing construction data of 13 wells in X well field,FracproPT software is used to simulate the construction of secondary sanding fracturing. Besides,fracture conformation parameters are compared and analyzed between the secondary sanding fracturing and conventional fracturing. Finally,the construction parameters of secondary sanding fracturing are optimized, such as secondary sanding proportion,pump off time,delivery capacity and sand. The result demonstrates that the fracturing construction simulation of X well field is very accurate with FracproPT software,secondary sanding fracturing is in favour of controlling fracture height effectively,expanding fracture width and it also has an effect of enhancing fracture conductivity. This research has certain guiding significance to optimize the secondary sanding fracturing design of heavy oil reservoir and to improve stimulate effect of secondary sanding fracturing.
Key words:  heavy oil reservoir  fracturing  FracproPT  secondary sanding  simulation analysis