引用本文:房炎伟,杨嘉伟,马玉梁,缈庆林. 树脂型压井液研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 433-435.
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房炎伟, 杨嘉伟, 马玉梁, 缈庆林
关键词:  压井液  树脂  储层保护  应用 
Research and application of resin type well control fluid
Fang Yanwei, Yang Jiawei, Ma Yuliang, Miao Qinglin
CNPC Xibu Drilling Engineering Company Limited,Shanshan 838200,Xinjiang,China
Resin type well control fluid is a solid-free liquid, and the liquid looks like jelly because the free water of system is trapped by high absorbent resin, so that it has good reservoir protection. The jelly has big particle size and a certain strength, as well it is deformable and easy to flow, so it covers the reserve surface and prevents water leakage. The laboratory study demonstrates that the well control fluid has good reserve protection ability. In site construction,the well control fluid has stable performance, low filter loss, strong carry capacity, and good compatibility with formation water. The application of low pressure well shows it is useful in preventing leakage and reducing backflow time. The moisture content of outlet liquid is low, and the liquid production increases after entering the normal production process. It is advantageous to the productivity recovery.
Key words:  well control fluid  resin  reservoir protection  application