引用本文:姚远,高圣平,张玉,邬巧梅. 综合标准化指导下的石油工业术语标准研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 436-441.
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姚远1,2, 高圣平1, 张玉1, 邬巧梅1
石油工业的标准体系是一个庞大的系统,石油工业标准中的术语及词汇也覆盖了石油工业上中下游,包括勘探、开发、炼油及储运等多个专业门类。术语在石油工业各专业间的沟通、国内外合作和交流中发挥了非常重要的作用。通过对现有石油工业标准的详细研究,石油工业术语标准存在专业门类不齐全,覆盖面过窄,分类互相交叉等问题,涉及到石油工业的多个专业、多套标准。采用综合标准化方法,基于石油工业进行整体规划,系统分析了现行术语标准的现状,协调了不同专业进行术语标准研究,制定了石油工业术语综合标准化工作应遵循的原则:石油特性、简明性和系统性。初步建立了石油工业术语标准的框架结构,建议大力推进综合标准化的指导作用,开展试点型石油工业术语标准编制工作,提高标准的系统性,科学性和适用性。 
关键词:  石油工业  术语标准  综合标准化 
Terminology standards of oil & gas industry under the guidance of integrated standardization
Yao Yuan1,2, Gao Shengping1, Zhang Yu1, Wu Qiaomei1
1.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China;2.China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
The standards system of oil & gas industry is a huge system, which covers almost all of the aspects of oil & gas industry such as exploration, development, refinery, storage and transportation,etc. It is obvious that terminologies play a very important role in the international communication and cooperation. Through detailed study on the standards of oil & gas industry, it shows that the professional categories of those terminology and vocabulary standards are not complete, the coverage is too narrow, and the classification crosses each other. And those problems relate to a number of multiple sets professional standards. Using integrated standardization approach and based on the overall planning of the oil industry, this paper analyzes the status of the existing terminology standards systematically, then coordinating different professional categories to conduct research and developing the principles of integrated oil industry terminology standardization should be followed:oil characteristics, conciseness and systematicness. The terminology standards framework of oil & gas industry has been initially established, and it is suggested to vigorously promote the guiding role of integrated standardization in the oil & gas industry standardization. Meanwhile, a pilot-type terminology standard preparing is also needed in order to improve the systematic, scientific and applicability of standard.
Key words:  oil & gas industry  terminology standards  integrated standardization