引用本文:夏太武,蒋伟,宋亮,袁树海. 天然气处理装置中SIL软件化评估方法应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 458-462.
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夏太武1, 蒋伟1, 宋亮2, 袁树海1
天然气处理装置需要配备一系列的安全防护措施,包括安全仪表系统(SIS),目前主要采用常规的安全完整性等级(SIL)评估方法来确定设计上SIS或在役装置SIS系统配置是否满足装置安全生产的需求。分析了SIL评估的特点以及它与危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP)、资产完整性管理的关系,论证了开展SIL评估的意义。同时,提出了一种SIL评估方法,并将这种方法转化成SIL评估软件进行了探讨和规划。应用结果表明,理论上,将常规SIL方法加以改良,使这种方法软件化是可行的,而一旦这种针对性较强的SIL评估软件得以应用,将大大降低天然气净化处理装置SIL评估所投入的人力和财力,评估结果也将更为客观和可信。 
关键词:  风险  安全完整性等级  安全仪表系统  危害和可操作性分析  防护层及防护层分析  风险图表法 
Application of SIL software evaluating method in natural gas processing device
Xia Taiwu1, Jiang Wei1, Song Liang2, Yuan Shuhai1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.CNPCTurkmenintanamu darya river Gas company
A series of safety protection measures, including safety instrument system (SIS), are equipped for natural gas processing device. At present, the conventional safety integrity level (SIL) evaluation method is mainly applied to determine whether the SIS in design or production plant in service could meet the safe production. In the paper, the characteristics of SIL assessment and the relationship of SIL, hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP), and asset integrity management are analyzed, and the significance of SIL evaluation is discussed. At the same time, a method of SIL evaluation is proposed, and the changing is introduced from the method to SIL evaluation software. Application results show that, in theory, it is feasible to convert the conventional SIL evaluation method into the SIL evaluation software. Once the strong SIL evaluation software being applied, the investment of human and financial resources would be greatly reduced in SIL evaluation, and the evaluating results would be more objective and credible.
Key words:  risk  safety integrity level (SIL)  safety instrument system (SIS)  hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP)  layers of protection analysis(LOPA)  risk graph method