引用本文:刘光成,潘亿勇,龚小平,张岺,高建崇. 锦州9-3油田产出聚合物对污水稳定性的影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 452-457.
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刘光成1, 潘亿勇1,2, 龚小平2, 张岺1, 高建崇1
针对渤海锦州9-3油田聚合物驱生产污水组成特点,分别测定了不同相对分子质量、质量浓度及水解度的产出聚合物对含聚污水表观黏度、油滴粒径、Zeta电位、油水动态界面张力、油水平衡界面张力、油水界面扩张黏弹性等指标的影响。研究结果表明,含聚污水中产出聚合物的存在会增加含聚污水的黏度,吸附于油水界面增强含聚污水中O/W型乳液滴的Zeta电位,增加水化层以及油水界面膜强度,从而增强污水的乳化程度和稳定性,降低污水中油滴的聚并效率,增大了含聚污水的达标处理难度。 
关键词:  产出聚合物  含聚污水  稳定性  Zeta电位  油水界面黏弹性 
基金项目:国家科技重大专项“大型油气田及煤层气开发”(2011ZX05057);中国海洋石油总公司技术研究项目“海上含聚污水处理工艺技术应用研究及实验”(CNOOC-KJ 125 ZDXM 00 000 00 NFCJF 2011-01 )。
Influence of produced polymer on wastewater stability in JZ9-3 Oilfield
Liu Guangcheng1, Pan Yiyong1,2, Gong Xiaoping2, Zhang Ling1, Gao Jianchong1
1.CNOOC China Co., Ltd.Tianjin Branch, Tianjin 300452, China;2.College of Resources and Environmenta, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
According to the composition of wastewater produced from polymer flooding in Bohai JZ9-3 Oilfield, influences of produced polymers with different molecular weight, concentration and hydrolytic degree on the apparent viscosity, particle sizes of oil droplets, Zeta potential, dynamic interfacial tension, equalize interfacial tension and interfacial dilatational properties were measured. The results indicated that the produced polymer with low molecular weight could improve the apparent viscosity of wastewater, and the Zeta potential of O/W emulsion and the oil-water interfacial film strength were increased after adsorption of polymer in oil-water contact. Consequently the wastewater emulsion stability was increased, and the coalescence efficiency of oil droplets in wastewater was decreased greatly, so that the difficulty of polymer-contained sewage reaching standard became harder.
Key words:  produced polymer  polymer-contained sewage  stability  Zeta potential  oil-water interfacial elasticity