引用本文:范峥,刘向迎,黄风林,李稳宏,乔玉龙,闫昭. 天然气中酸性组分含量升高的脱硫系统优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 467-471, 477.
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范峥1, 刘向迎1, 黄风林1, 李稳宏2, 乔玉龙3, 闫昭3
针对近年来天然气中酸性组分含量升高导致的产品气气质下降、设备故障频繁等问题,利用Aspen HYSYS软件对MDEA溶液循环量提高后的脱硫系统进行了流程模拟。结果 表明,当原料气中酸性组分CO2和H2S的体积分数分别由5.280%和0.028%增至6.280%和0.052%时,为了保证产品气符合国家标准,需将系统中的MDEA溶液循环量由63.25 m3/h逐渐提高至102.85 m3/h。使用Tray Rating、HTRI Xchanger Suite软件对不同MDEA溶液循环量下的塔器和换热器等重要设备进行了一系列优化。经计算,胺液吸收塔和再生塔的流体力学性能均符合要求;胺液贫富液换热器在MDEA溶液循环量提高时可串联1台同型号换热器,同时更换换热管规格,以满足系统需要并缓解堵塞;优化后的二级闪蒸装置能够较大程度地缓解装置频繁波动的情况,而在其入口处加装高效波纹板除沫器则可有效避免系统发泡。
关键词:  天然气  脱硫  H2S  CO2  甲基二乙醇胺  流程模拟 
Optimization of desulphurization system for increased acidic components content in natural gas
Fan Zheng1, Liu Xiangying1, Huang Fenglin1, Li Wenhong2, Qiao Yulong3, Yan Zhao3
1.College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China;2.College of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, Shaanxi, China;3.The First Gas Plant, Changqing Oilfield, Yulin 718500, Shaanxi, China
Aiming at the inferior product gas quality and frequent equipment troubles due to the increase of acidic components content in natural gas in recent years, the process of desulphurization system after the increase of MDEA solution circulation flow rate was simulated by Aspen HYSYS software. The simulation result demonstrated that it was necessary to increase MDEA solution volume flow rate gradually from 63.25 m3/h to 102.85 m3/h to satisfy national standards when the volume fraction of CO2 and H2S was increased from 5.280% and 0.028% to 6.280% and 0.052% respectively. Key facilities were implemented a series of optimization by the professional softwares of FRI-Tray Rating, and HTRI Xchanger Suite, etc. The fluid mechanics performance of amine absorber and regenerator were qualified for different volume flow rates of MDEA solution after calculation. When the volume flow rates increased, it was feasible schemes to add the same model of lean/rich amine heat exchanger in series and simultaneously change the specification of heat exchange tube to meet the demand and resolve block. Optimized two-level flash device could greatly relieve frequent fluctuation and fixing the high-efficiency corrugated plate demister at inlet could avoid system foaming.
Key words:  natural gas  desulphurization  H2S  CO2  MDEA  flowsheet simulation