引用本文:袁春华,任建生. 连续重整装置扩能改造节能设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 483-486.
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袁春华, 任建生
依托20世纪90年代中期建成投产的40×104 t/a连续重整装置的扩能改造,从装置规模、流程设置、能量综合利用等方面,采取了一系列节能措施实施改造。该装置所采取的节能改造方案包括:①结合原料特点优化进料方案,降低预处理反应部分的规模;②采用高效焊接板式换热器、双壳程换热器,提高反应进料/产物换热深度;③降低烟气出口温度,提高重整进料四合一加热炉效率;④优化换热流程,降低空冷入口温度,充分利用塔顶蒸发潜热。上述节能设计措施可将装置扩能13%,综合能耗降低502.4 MJ/t。 
关键词:  连续重整  扩能  节能设计 
Energy-saving design of capacity expansion revamping for CCR unit
Yuan Chunhua, Ren Jiansheng
CPECC East-China Design Branch Beijing, Beijing 100101, China
Relying on the capacity expansion and revamp of 400×103 t/a CCR unit built in the 1990’s, a series of energy saving measures were taken considering the scale, process and energy utilization, which include:optimizing the feed scheme according to the characteristics of the feed to reduce the scale of reaction; utilizing the high-efficient welded plate heat exchanger and double shell side heat exchanger to enhance heat transfer; decreasing the outlet temperature of flue gas to increase thermal efficiency of heating furnace; and optimizing the heat exchanger process flow to lower the inlet temperature of air cooler, and maximizing to utilize the latent heat of evaporation in the top of the tower. As a result, the processing ability increased by 13%, while the comprehensive energy consumption decreased by 502.4 MJ/t.
Key words:  continuous catalyst reforming  capacity expansion  energy-saving design