引用本文:杨德胜,陈园春. 延长SHY-DL-1型C4临氢芳构化催化剂再生周期的措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 487-491.
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杨德胜, 陈园春
影响C4芳构化催化剂再生周期的因素较多,该再生周期的长短关系着生产装置操作的稳定性及企业的经济效益。介绍了延长催化剂再生周期的各种关键因素及手段措施,通过在濮阳恒润筑邦石油化工有限公司20×104 t/a C4临氢芳构化装置上的生产检验结果表明,采用优化原料质量和优化工艺操作条件等手段,可有效延长催化剂的再生周期。实践表明,再生周期可由90天延长至183天,具有良好的稳定性,使催化剂再生周期超过设计值,提高了装置运行的经济效益。 
关键词:  C4  临氢芳构化  催化剂  再生周期 
Counter measures for extending regeneration cycle of SHY-DL-1 C4 hydroaromatization catalyst
Yang Desheng, Chen Yuanchun
Puyang Hengrun Statebuilding Petrochemical Co., Ltd,Puyang 457600, Henan, China
There are many factors affecting regeneration cycle of C4 aromatization, which relate to the stability of production device operation and economic benefits of enterprises. Various key factors and measures of prolonging the regeneration cycle of the catalyst were introduced. The production inspection was carried on the 200×103 t/a C4 hydroaromatization device of Puyang Hengrun State Building Petrochemical Co. Ltd. The results showed that by optimizing the quality of raw materials and process operating conditions, it could effectively prolong the regeneration cycle of the catalyst. The practice showed that the regeneration cycle could be extended from 90 days to 183 days, and had a good stability, so that the catalyst regeneration cycle exceeded the design value, and the economic benefits of the device was improved.
Key words:  C4  hydroaromatization  catalyst  regeneration cycle