引用本文:唐浠,瞿杨,陈庭库,侯光远,张云光. 天然气净化厂MDEA再生系统优化运行探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 492-496.
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唐浠, 瞿杨, 陈庭库, 侯光远, 张云光
重庆天然气净化总厂引进分厂280×104 m3/d 脱硫装置MDEA溶液再生系统溶液循环泵出口压力一直不稳定,极易因泵出口流量骤降导致系统联锁停车。从工艺、设备和管线布置方面进行了分析,发现弯头过多不是导致系统压降高的主要原因,“Π”型管的布置方式可使该处压力降低,酸气发生解析及聚集,进而导致溶液循环泵吸空,引起泵出口压力波动,对系统运行产生较大影响。 
关键词:  天然气  脱硫  MDEA  溶液再生  压降  优化 
Optimal operation of MDEA regeneration system in natural gas purification plant
Tang Xi, Qu Yang, Chen Tingku, Hou Guangyuan, Zhang Yunguang
Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401259, China
Serving as the critical equipment of solution regeneration system in 2 800×103 m3/d MDEA desulfurization unit in Yinjin Branch of Chongqing General Natural Gas Purification Plant, the solution circulation pump has an unstable outlet pressure. The system interlock shutdown due to the sudden drawdown of pump outlet flow rate occurred frequently. The process, equipment and pipeline layout were analyzed, and the results showed that excessive elbows were not the main reasons of system pressure drop. The layout of Π type pipeline would reduce the pressure and result in the evolution and accumulation of acid gas, thereby leading to the suction of MDEA circulation pump and the fluctuation of pump outlet pressure, which would bring great influence to the operation of system.
Key words:  natural gas  desulfurization  MDEA  solution regeneration  pressure drop  optimization