引用本文:原励,熊颖,蒋永,张倩. 一种高温乳化酸的研制与评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 521-524, 533.
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原励1, 熊颖1, 蒋永2, 张倩1
随着勘探开发的不断深入,川渝地区面临高温深井储层改造酸液技术的拓宽与提升。通过对不饱和双键酯和山梨醇酐油酸酯为主要组分的乳化剂CT1-36的研发,形成了耐温140 ℃的高温乳化酸,其油酸界面强度高、亲油基接触面积大。实验室对高温乳化酸放置稳定性、高温下的黏度、耐剪切性能、反应速率、腐蚀性能、配伍性能等进行了研究。结果 表明,高温乳化酸在140 ℃下,1 h内无酸析出;在140 ℃、170 s-1剪切60 min后黏度保持在40 mPa·s,酸岩反应速率为常规酸的1/25,残酸黏度<10 mPa·s,与原油配伍性良好。 
关键词:  乳化酸  高温  稳定性  缓速酸  反应速率 
Development and evaluation of high temperature emulsified acid
Yuan Li1, Xiong Ying1, Jiang Yong2, Zhang Qian1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China;2.Production Operations Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, Sichuan, China
With the deepening of exploration and development of high temperature reservoir,Sichuan and Chongqing areas are facing to broaden and promote high temperature reservoir acid technology. The high temperature emulsified acid, with heat resistance of 140 ℃, has been developed through the research of new emulsifier CT1-36 which consists of ester containing unsaturated double bond and sorbitan monooleate. The high temperature emulsified acid had high oil acid interface intensity and large contact area of lipophilic group. Stability, rheological properties in high temperature, shear performance, reaction rate, corrosion rate and compatibility performance have been researched in laboratory. Laboratory results showed that the high temperature emulsified acid could stabilize more than one hour at 140 ℃,the viscosity reached 40 mPa·s after shearing for 60 minutes at 140 ℃ and 170 s-1, the reaction rate was 25 times slower than conventional acid, the viscosity of reacted acid was less than 10 mPa·s, and the compatibility with crude oil was good.
Key words:  emulsified acid  high temperature  stability  retarded acid  reaction rate