引用本文:马增华,孙永涛,林涛,刘海涛,孙玉豹,王少华. 多元热流体腐蚀监测装置研制与应用评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 525-528.
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马增华, 孙永涛, 林涛, 刘海涛, 孙玉豹, 王少华
腐蚀是制约多元热流体技术推广应用的关键因素。采用高温缓蚀剂后,防腐效果良好,但未获取现场腐蚀速率。针对此,研制了腐蚀监测装置,将两个P110钢挂片置于多元热流体注热管线中,现场实施多元热流体热采,10天平均腐蚀速率为0.090 5 mm/a,为均匀腐蚀,腐蚀产物主要是Fe2O3,验证了缓蚀剂防腐效果良好,满足目前多元热流热采防腐要求。 
关键词:  多元热流体  腐蚀  监测  产物 
Development of a multi-component thermal fluid corrosion monitoring device and its application evaluation
Ma Zenghua, Sun Yongtao, Lin Tao, Liu Haitao, Sun Yubao, Wang Shaohua
COSL Production Optimization Division, Tianjin 300450, China
Corrosion is the key factor restraining the promotion of multi-component thermal fluid technology. High temperature corrosion inhibitor has good protective effect, but the main corrosion rate could not be gotten .Hereto. A corrosion monitoring device is developed by placing two P110 coupons in the thermal fluid injection tube. After multi-component thermal fluid recovery for ten days,the corrosion is uniform, average corrosion rate is 0.090 5 mm/a, and the main corrosion product is Fe2O3. The result verifies the protection effect of the corrosion inhibitor, which can meet the anti-corrosion requirement for multi-component thermal fluid recovery.
Key words:  multi-component thermal fluid  corrosion  monitor  product