引用本文:何春明,才博,唐邦忠,刘哲. 裂缝性碳酸盐岩储层体积酸压技术精细化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 534-538.
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何春明1, 才博1, 唐邦忠2, 刘哲1
紧密围绕如何实现裂缝性碳酸盐岩储层高产、稳产的系列难题,以储层改造对象精细化研究为切入点,通过压汞实验、核磁共振实验以及电镜扫描实验,明确了储层的储集空间和渗流通道,通过岩石力学实验认识了储层可压裂性。以储层特征为基础,提出了针对脆性较强、裂缝发育段“先疏后堵、主缝沟通、支缝补充”的体积酸压改造模式,结合“大排量、大液量及高低黏酸液组合”的改造工艺,研究成果在大牛地气田X井进行了现场试验,压后试气产量达到5.2×104 m3/d,是周围直井的10倍以上,这为同类型储层体积酸压改造提供了很好的借鉴思路。
关键词:  裂缝性碳酸盐岩  脆性  体积酸压改造  低伤害 
Detailed study on volume acid fracturing technology for fractured carbonate reservoirs
He Chunming1, Cai Bo1, Tang Bangzhong2, Liu Zhe1
1.Langfang Branch of Research Institute of Petroleum E&D, Langfang 065007 Hebei, China;2.PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu 062550
This paper focused on the theme of how to achieve high and stable productivity for fractured carbonate reservoir.Taking the object of detailed reservoir research as the breakthrough point, through the mercury penetration experiment, NMR experiment and SEM experiment,the reservoir storage space and seepage channel were clear, and by the rock mechanics experiment, the brittleness of the reservoirs was understood. On the basis of reservoir characteristics, we put forward for the volume acid fracturing mode of “first communicate and later block, main fracture communicating, branch fracture supplement”, and with the technology of “high injecting rate, large injecting scale and the combination of high and low viscosity acid” for brittleness and fractured reservoirs, the research result has been conducted in X well of Daniudi gas field. The gas production reached 52×103 m3 /d after acid fracturing stimulation, which was more than 10 times of vertical well. The breakthrough of this well could provide a new thought for similar reservoir volume acid fracturing treatment.
Key words:  fractured carbonate reservoirs  brittleness  volume acid fracturing  low damage