引用本文:宋连银,朱好华,王伟波,万华,张庆祝. 水基蜡晶改进剂型防蜡剂的研制与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 529-533.
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宋连银1, 朱好华2, 王伟波2, 万华1, 张庆祝1
为了克服油基清防蜡剂存在的有毒、易燃、密度小等缺点,解决水基清防蜡剂存在的清蜡效率低、防蜡效果差及乳液型防蜡剂稳定性差等不足,利用表面活性剂亲水亲油基团结构特点,将蜡晶改进剂均匀地分散在水中,研究出具有低毒不易燃烧、密度较大、清蜡效率高、防蜡效果好等优点的水基蜡晶改进剂型防蜡剂。室内实验表明,该防蜡剂在最佳的配比条件下,降黏率和动态防蜡率大于70%。现场试验表明,采用连续加药方式,可有效减少洗井次数,提高油井产油量。 
关键词:  蜡晶改进剂  清防蜡剂  含蜡油井  防蜡 
Development and application of water-based wax crystal modifier type paraffin inhibitor
Song Lianyin1, Zhu Haohua2, Wang Weibo2, Wan Hua1, Zhang Qingzhu1
1.The 5th Oil Production Factory, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China;2.Xi’an Chanqing Chemical Group Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710018, Shaanxi, China
In order to solve the disadvantages of toxic, combustible, lower density of oil-based paraffin remover, and low paraffin removal efficiency and control effect poor stability of emulsion paraffin inhibitor of water-base paraffin remover, based on the structure of hydrophilic and/or lipophilic group in surfactant, the wax crystal modifier dispersed in water homogeneously. Water-base wax crystal modifier type paraffin inhibitor has been developed. It has advantages of low toxicity, incombustible, high density, high efficiency of paraffin removal and paraffin control effect. The laboratory result showed that viscosity reduction rate and dynamic wax inhibiting rate were both more than 70% respectively under the best proportion condition. The field result indicated that it could decrease the times of washing well and improve the production of oil well by using continuous dosing.
Key words:  wax crystal modifier  wax removing/inhibiting agent  waxy production well  wax inhibition