引用本文:张汉沛. 我国车用汽油中硫含量控制指标及测定方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 558-563.
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综述了我国车用汽油中硫含量的控制指标和测定方法。我国车用汽油标准从1999年开始历经了国Ⅰ标准、国Ⅱ标准、国Ⅲ标准、国Ⅳ标准和国Ⅴ标准5个阶段,目前已全面实施国Ⅳ标准,2018年起将全面实施国Ⅴ标准,硫含量控制指标从2000年以前的不大于1 500 mg/kg降低到目前的不大于50 mg/kg,2018年起将全面实施不大于10 mg/kg的控制指标。对燃灯法、紫外荧光法、氧化微库仑法、能量色散X射线荧光法、波长色散X射线荧光法等硫含量测定的常用方法的特点、测定限值、重复性、采用情况等作了论述,提出今后研究的方向为气相色谱-选择性检测器联用法,并对其进行了论述。 
关键词:  汽油  硫含量  指标  测定方法 
Sulfur content control index and determination methods of motor gasoline in China
Zhang Hanpei
Daqing Oilfield Engineering Co., Ltd., Daqing 163712, Heilongjiang, China
The paper summarized the sulfur content control index and determination methods of motor gasoline in China. The standard of motor gasoline in China has experienced five stages from the national Ⅰ level standard to the national V level standard since 1999. The national Ⅳ level standard has fully implemented and the national V level standard will be fully implemented from 2018 onwards:the sulfur content control index has been decreased from no more than 1 500 mg/kg to no more than 50 mg/kg; and the control index of no more than 10 mg/kg will be fully implemented from 2018 onwards. The conventional methods, including lamp method, ultraviolet fluorescence method, oxidative microcoulometric method, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry method and wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry method, were described in the aspects of characteristic, determination limit, repeatability and the condition of adoption. The developmental trend of research was gas chromatography-selective detectors methods and these methods were also described.
Key words:  gasoline  sulfur content  index  analytical method