引用本文:李蕾,雷光伦,魏晓冬,王洪胜. 曲堤油田注入水污染原因及改善措施研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 564-569.
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李蕾, 雷光伦, 魏晓冬, 王洪胜
针对胜利济北公司曲堤油田注入水沿程污染严重的问题,实验测定了沿程水质变化情况,探究影响水质因素,提出改善工艺措施并测定改善效果。结果 表明,沿程水质的影响因素主要是腐蚀产生的铁离子、微生物,以及结垢等;采用的改善措施主要包括优化水处理工艺,采用有效除铁的预氧化除铁技术与悬浮污泥过滤技术,改用玻璃钢水管,加入质量浓度为5~10 mg/L的羟基亚乙基二膦酸(HEDP)阻垢剂等措施,达到改善曲堤油田沿程水质的效果。 
关键词:  曲堤油田  水质处理  腐蚀  结垢  沿程污染 
Pollution reasons of injection water in Qudi Oilfield and prevention measures
Li Lei, Lei Guanglun, Wei Xiaodong, Wang Hongsheng
Institute of Petroleum Engineering, China University of PetroleumEast China, Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China
In order to solve the problem of serious water pollution along the transmission line in Shengli Qudi Oilfield, water quality changes along the line were measured. Pollution sources of injection water, pollution prevention measures and their effects were exploded. The results show that the major pollution influence factors are corrosion, iron ion, microorganism, and scaling, etc. The effective pollution prevention measures include optimization of water treatment technique, adopting effective methods to remove iron ion such as oxidation of iron removal technique and the suspended sludge filtration. Furthermore, replacement of glass tube pipe and the use of scale inhibitor HEDP (with concentration of 5~10 mg/L) will improve the water quality along the transmission line.
Key words:  Qudi Oilfield  water conditioning  corrosion  scaling  pollution along transmission line