引用本文:凌兵,宋佳,罗平凯,邱林青. 川西边远区块采气废水现场处理设备及工艺研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(5): 570-573.
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凌兵, 宋佳, 罗平凯, 邱林青
针对川西边远区块采气废水处理难、采气废水污染指标高的问题,研制出了一套适用于现场的川西边远区块采气废水处理设备。该设备由11个单元构成,主要采用电凝聚气浮技术、斜管沉淀工艺、筛板塔吸收-O3/H2O2复合氧化工艺、过滤-臭氧复合处理工艺4种先进的工艺技术。通过现场对比试验,确定出该设备的最佳工作参数:电气浮电流3 500 A左右、处理流量8 m3/h、一级沉淀池出水pH值13左右、双氧水加量7 g/min左右、臭氧加量96 g/min左右。现场采气废水试验结果表明,川西边远区块采气废水现场处理设备在去除采气废水COD、石油类、悬浮物等方面具有较好的效果,其出水污染指标达到了GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》的一级标准,从而为川西边远区块采气废水的现场达标处理提供了一套方便、实用的设备。 
关键词:  采气废水  边远区块  现场处理设备  工艺  试验 
Wastewater treatment equipment in remote gas blocks of western Sichuan and its technology research
Ling Bing, Song Jia, Luo Pingkai, Qiu Linqing
Oil Field Engineering Service Branch, Sinopec Southwest Petroleum Engineering Co.,Ltd, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China
According to the difficulty of wastewater treatment and the high pollution indicator of wastewater from gas production in remote gas blocks, of western Sichuan, a set of wastewater treatment equipment is developed. The device contains 11 units, mainly using four kinds of advanced technologies, such as electro-coagulation air floatation technique, inclined tube sedimentation process, sieve tray absorption-O3/H2O2 complex oxidation process, and filter-ozone composite process. After field contrast test, the optimum operating parameters of the device are determined, which the electrical air floatation current is about 3 500 A, the processing flow is about 8 m3/h, the pH value of effluent from the first order sedimentation tank is 13 or so, the dosage of hydrogen peroxide is around 7 g/min, and the ozone dosage is about 96 g/min. The field wastewater test result shows that the equipment has a good effect in removal of oil, suspended solids and COD of wastewater in remote gas blocks of western Sichuan, and the water quality reaches the primary level of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996), which provides a convenient and practical device for the field standard treatment with wastewater in the field.
Key words:  wastewater in gas field  remote blocks  field treatment equipment  technology  experiment