引用本文:王楚琦,马颖. 绕管式换热器在天然气处理中的应用浅析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 602-606.
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王楚琦1, 马颖2
绕管式换热器应用于天然气处理工艺时效果不稳定,频繁出现冻堵且换热效率大幅度下降。通过分析绕管式换热器结构及除垢工艺,掌握其换热和运行、维护的特点,并以克拉美丽天然气处理厂的原料气预冷器为例,找出冻堵和换热效率低的原因,结合绕管式换热器和天然气处理工艺特点提出了关于绕管式换热器应用的建议:根据气质条件确定换热器物流安排;严格控制原料气杂质含量;均匀注入防冻剂,为绕管式换热器在天然气处理工艺中的安全平稳运行及节能提供了解决方案。 
关键词:  绕管式换热器  天然气  处理工艺 
Application analysis of coiled tubular heat exchanger in natural gas processing
Wang Chuqi1, Ma Ying2
1.China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd, Southwest Company,Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;2.International Business Department, CNPC Logging Co., Ltd,Xi’an 710077, Shaanxi, China
The performance of coiled tubular heat exchanger in natural gas treatment process is not stable. It shows frequently freezing and big drop in thermal efficiency. Through the analysis of coiled tubular heat exchanger structure and descaling technology, the characteristics of heat exchange, operation and maintenance were mastered. Taking the air precooler of Kelameili Natural Gas Treatment Plant as an example, the causes of the freezing and low thermal efficiency were found out. Combining with the characteristics of coiled tubular heat exchanger and gas treatment process, some suggestions were put forward:According to the gas quality condition, the tube side and shell side was arranged; the impurity in raw gas was controled strictly; and the injection of antifreezer should be uniform. It provides solutions for the safe and smooth operation of the coiled tubular heat exchanger in natural gas treatment process to realize high efficiency and energy-conservation.
Key words:  coiled tubular heat exchanger  natural gas  treatment process