引用本文:赵相颇,段贤勇,万秀梅,杨红,李洁,袁顺海. 磨深1井脱水脱烃装置醇回收工艺优化探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 607-610.
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赵相颇, 段贤勇, 万秀梅, 杨红, 李洁, 袁顺海
磨深1井50×104 m3/d脱水脱烃装置采用注乙二醇抑制剂+外制冷工艺,其醇回收工艺采用刮板薄膜蒸发器法,由于缺乏乙二醇加注量的成熟经验,故为试车难点之一。通过分析醇回收工艺特点、计算乙二醇加注量理论值,并在实际操作和理论计算的基础上探索最佳操作参数,为装置顺利开产提供技术支撑。 
关键词:  脱水  脱烃  乙二醇回收  刮板薄膜蒸发器  水合物抑制剂 
Alcohol recovery process optimization of dehydration and dealkylation device of Moshen No.1 Well
Zhao Xiangpo, Duan Xianyong, Wan Xiumei, Yang Hong, Li Jie, Yuan Shunhai
Moxi Natural Gas Purification Plant of Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining 629000, Sichuan, China
The ethylene glycol injection inhibitors and outside refrigeration technology have been used in dehydration and dehydrocarbon device of Moshen No.1 Well with the capacity of 500×103 m3/d. Owing to the lack of experience in the dosage of glycol, the scraper film evaporator used in alcohol recovery process is one of the difficulties in trial run. Based on the theoretical calculation through analyzing the character of the alcohol recovery processes and calculating the theoretical addition amount of ethylene glycol inhibitors, the optimal operating parameters were explored in the actual operation, which would provide technical support for successful production.
Key words:  dehydration  dealkylation  ethylene glycol recovery  scraper film evaporator  hydrate inhibitor