引用本文:马国光,高俊,季夏夏,魏向东. 利用分输站的压差液化天然气研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 622-625, 638.
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马国光1, 高俊1, 季夏夏1, 魏向东2
基于天然气长输管线分输站蕴含着巨大的可利用的压力能,提出利用分输站压差液化天然气的工艺。液化工艺中,管输天然气净化采用MDEA(35%)+DEA(5%)的混合胺液脱碳脱硫, 4A分子筛脱水;液化采用透平膨胀机制冷。同时,研究了分输站压差、分输量对天然气液化率的影响。该工艺适用于长输管线压降大、分输规模较大的分输站。 
关键词:  分输站  压力能  净化  压差式液化  液化天然气 
Study on liquefying natural gas using differential pressure of gas-distributing station
Ma Guoguang1, Gao Jun1, Ji Xiaxia1, Wei Xiangdong2
1.State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Jiangxi-Hunan Department, West-to-East Gas Pipeline Company, PetroChina, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China
There is huge available pressure energy in the gas-distributing station of the long-distance pipeline of natural gas, so the process of using differential pressure of gas-distributing station to liquefy natural gas were put forward. In the liquefaction technology, mixed amine solution of MDEA (35 wt%)+DEA (5 wt%) was used to remove CO2 and H2S, 4A molecular sieve was used to remove water, and turbine expander was used to liquefy natural gas. At the same time, the impacts of differential pressure and distribution throughput on liquefaction rate were analyzed. The results show that the process is suitable for the gas-distributing station of high pressure drop and large distribution throughput.
Key words:  gas-distributing station  pressure energy  purification  pressure differential liquefaction  liquefied natural gas