引用本文:廖铁,李法璋,龚毅然,苏梦瑶,夏平琼. 万州天然气净化厂生产运行及技术改造评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 615-621.
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廖铁1, 李法璋2, 龚毅然3, 苏梦瑶1, 夏平琼4
重庆天然气净化总厂万州分厂于2009年6月进气投产,装置平稳运行至今,达到了工程项目设计要求,但在生产运行过程中也出现了一些问题。为了进一步掌握该装置的运行情况,结合万州分厂近5年的生产运行情况,重点介绍了装置的生产运行特点及存在的问题,并提出对应的改进措施,可为其他天然气净化厂的设计及安全生产运行提供技术参考。 
关键词:  天然气  净化厂  高含硫  技术改造 
Review on production run and technical transformation of Wanzhou Natural Gas Purification Plant
Liao Tie1, Li Fazhang2, Gong Yiran3, Su Mengyao1, Xia Pingqiong4
1.Wanzhou Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 404001, China;2.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China;3.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 400010, China;4.Dianjiang Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 400010, China
Since being put into operation in June 2009, the device of Wanzhou Natural Gas Purification Plant has got stable operation and reached design requirements. However, some problems occurred during the production. In combination with 5 year's operation situation of the purification plant, the operation characteristics of the process were introduced, some problems occurring during the production were analyzed, and the corresponding improvement measures were proposed, which could provide some references for the design and safe production of similar natural gas purification plants.
Key words:  Natural gas  purification plant  high sulfur  technical transformation