引用本文:邱春阳,叶洪超,温守云,王宝田,何兴华,司贤群. 哈深斜1井钻井液技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 645-650.
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邱春阳, 叶洪超, 温守云, 王宝田, 何兴华, 司贤群
为了解哈山前缘冲段带二叠系含油气情况,探讨在山前高陡构造钻遇大位移井的可行性,在哈山山前构造带部署了预探井哈深斜1井。为确保哈深斜1井钻探成功,研发了铝胺抑制防塌钻井液体系。评价实验表明,铝胺抑制防塌钻井液体系抑制性及封堵性好,润滑性能强。现场通过合理密度支撑-多元强化抑制-双重封堵防塌-润滑防卡措施,辅助相应的钻井液现场维护处理工艺,解决了高陡地区钻遇大位移井所遭遇的井壁失稳,井眼净化及润滑防卡的难题,顺利钻达目的层,钻井时效比预计提高了10%。 
关键词:  哈深斜1井  井壁稳定  断层  井眼净化  润滑防卡 
Drilling fluid technology of Hashen X1 well
Qiu Chunyang, Ye Hongchao, Wen Shouyun, Wang Baotian, He Xinghua, Si Xianqun
Drilling Engineer &Technology Corporation, Shengli Petroleum Engineering Corporation Limited of SINOPEC, Dongying 257064, Shandong,China
In order to understand the situation of oil and gas in Hasan front punching section, and discuss the feasibility of drilling extended-reached well in high dip angle structure, Hashen X1 well was drilled. Aluminum amine collapse prevention drilling fluid system was developed to ensure Hashen X1 well drilling successfully. The evaluation results show that the drilling fluid system has great inhibitive, anti-caving ability, and good lubrication performance. In the field, measures of rational density supporting, multiple improved inhibition, double agent sealing, and lubrication preventing collapse were used, and with corresponding drilling site maintenance process,target stratum was drilled successfully. Problems of wellbore stability, hole cleaning and lubricating to anti-sticking were solved during the course of drilling well in high dip angle block. At last, drilling efficiency increases by 10%.
Key words:  Hashen X1 well  borehole stability  faultage  borehole cleaning  lubrication and anti-sticking