引用本文:赵巍,陈刚,张洁,张建甲,唐德尧,赵景瑞. 石榴皮作为抑制性钻井液处理剂的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 651-656.
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赵巍1, 陈刚1, 张洁1, 张建甲1, 唐德尧2, 赵景瑞2
将石榴皮作为钻井液添加剂,评价了其作用效能。结果 表明,石榴皮对钻井液具有一定的降滤失作用,抗温性可达170 ℃以上;与改性淀粉配伍性好,在室温和120 ℃老化浆中具有较好的降黏、降滤失作用,与聚丙烯酰胺配伍性略差;泥球实验和线性膨胀率实验表明,石榴皮浆液对膨润土的水化膨胀有一定的抑制作用,且随着石榴皮量的增多,抑制效果越明显;粒度分析表明,石榴皮浆液对钻井液中的黏土具有一定的絮凝作用,可以显著提高黏土的粒径。 
关键词:  石榴皮  水基钻井液  降黏  降滤失  粒径 
Research of pomegranate peel as inhibitory additive for drilling fluid
Zhao Wei1, Chen Gang1, Zhang Jie1, Zhang Jianjia1, Tang Deyao2, Zhao Jingrui2
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China;2.Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Oilfield Chemical Technology Corporation Limited, Yan’an 717400,Shaanxi, China
Pomegranate peel powder is used as drilling fluid additive, and the performance of it is evaluated. The results show that pomegranate peel has better effect of reducing fluid loss, and temperature resistance can reach more than 170 ℃. Pomegranate peel has good compatibility with modified starch, good capacity of reducing viscosity, reducing fluid loss at room temprature and 120 ℃ ageing slurry; and the compatibility with polyacrylamide is poor. Mud ball experiment and linear expansion experiment show that the water extract of pomegranate peel can inhibit the swelling of clay, and with the increase in quantity of pomegranate peel, the inhibition effect is more obvious. Particle size analysis indicates that pomegranate peel has certain flocculating effect with the clay in drilling fluid, which can significantly improve the average particle size of clay.
Key words:  pomegranate peel  water-based drilling fluid  reducing viscosity  reducing fluid loss  particle size