引用本文:康万利,徐浩,杨红斌,赵文越,杜山山,贡晓亚,等. 预交联凝胶颗粒膨胀性能的影响因素[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 662-665, 674.
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康万利, 徐浩, 杨红斌, 赵文越, 杜山山, 贡晓亚, 刘雪琦
预交联凝胶颗粒深部调驱技术是近几年针对高含水油田水淹、水窜严重的复杂问题而发展起来的一项深部调驱新技术。利用称量法研究了调驱用预交联凝胶颗粒(PPG)的膨胀性能,分析了PPG的制备条件及外部环境因素对PPG膨胀性能的影响。实验结果表明,随着主剂、交联剂质量分数增大以及引发剂质量分数的减小,PPG的膨胀倍数逐渐降低;表面活性剂的加入、离子含量的增大均会降低PPG的膨胀倍数,温度、pH值的增大则使其膨胀倍数增大。 
关键词:  预交联凝胶颗粒  膨胀性能  制备条件  外部环境  调驱技术 
Study on expansion property of pre-crosslinked particle gel with low elasticity and high viscosity
Kang Wanli, Xu Hao, Yang Hongbin, Zhao Wenyue, Du Shanshan, Gong Xiaoya, Liu Xueqi
Enhanced Oil Recovery Research Institute, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
In recent years, because high water content and water channeling have become major problems in oilfield, pre-crosslinked particle gel(PPG) technology has become one of high-speed growing deep flooding technology. Weighing method was used to study the expansion properties of PPG. The effects of PPG preparation conditions and external environmental factors on expansion property of particles were analyzed completely. The experimental results show that, at the PPG preparation conditions, as the increase of mass fraction of acrylamide and crosslinking agent, and the decrease of mass fraction of the initiator, the particle expansion ratio decreases gradually; as the increase of surfactant and ionic content, the particle expansion ratio decreases; as the increase of temperature and pH value, the expansion ratio of the particles also increase.
Key words:  pre-crosslinked particle gel  expansion property  preparation condition  external environment  flooding technology