引用本文:孙延安,李春福,陈晓东. 表面润湿性对三元复合驱设备结垢的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 657-661.
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孙延安1,2, 李春福2, 陈晓东2
通过接触角测试、扫描电镜微观结构观察以及XRD分析表面污垢,在模拟三元复合驱液与地层水的混合液中,研究了设备表面的不同处理方式对其抗结垢性能的影响。结果 表明,固体表面污垢的形成与水溶液在表面润湿难易程度密切相关。亲水表面污垢颗粒容易吸附,利于结晶垢的生长;疏水表面污垢颗粒与之接触困难,污垢颗粒在表面的吸附和晶体长大过程都很难进行,但不同的表面对污垢的晶型影响不大。不同表面处理后的表面微细结构变化对表面的润湿性影响较大;采用降低设备表面水润湿性的表面处理方式将提高设备表面的抗结垢能力。 
关键词:  固体表面  接触角  表面微细结构  沉积吸附  抗结垢性能 
Influence of surface wettability on devices scaling in ASP flooding
Sun Yan’an1,2, Li Chunfu2, Chen Xiaodong2
1.Oil Production Technology Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd.,Daqing 163700, Heilongjiang, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
By testing contact angles on surface, observing surface microstructures with scanning electron microscopy and analyzing surface dirt with XRD, the influences of fouling resistance with different treatment of equipment surface were studied in the mixed liquid of simulation ASP flooding fluid with formation water. The results showed that the formation of dirt on solid surface was closely related to the degree of water wetting the surface. Hydrophilic surface easily absorbed the dirt particles, and was conductive to the growth of crystallization fouling; and hydrophobic surface contacted with dirt particles difficultly, the adsorption of dirt particles and the growth process of crystal were difficult, but the effect of different surface on dirt polymorphs was little. The changes of surface micro-structural after different surface treatments largely impacted on the surface wettability. By reducing the water wettability of equipment surface would enhance the anti-fouling ability of equipment surface.
Key words:  solid surface  contact angle  surface microstructure  deposition and adsorption  fouling resistance