引用本文:李平. ZSJJ-3型聚合物解堵新技术实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 670-674.
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针对胜利油田聚合物驱及聚合物转后续水驱油藏注水压力高、欠注严重的问题,分析了油藏堵塞欠注原因,对现场堵塞物进行分析,结合普通氧化解堵剂在现场应用中存在的安全隐患,研制出新型的聚合物解聚剂,并对其性能进行评价。该解聚剂在常温下处于失活状态,安全、稳定;在储层温度下释放氧自由基,溶解近井地带聚合物堵塞物,降解高分子聚合物成小分子聚合物,溶解聚合物堵塞物能力在90%以上,降黏率达到90%以上。在现场试验应用中,结合现场实际情况配套预处理工艺,后期稳定处理工艺,复合作用实现注聚井及后续水驱欠注井的解堵增注,提高增注效果,延长稳定注入有效期。 
关键词:  聚驱及后续水驱  聚合物堵塞  聚合物解聚剂  氧自由基  解堵性能  溶解率 
Experimental study of ZSJJ-3 type polymer plug remover
Li Ping
Gudao Oil Production Plant of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257231,Shandong, China
Aiming at the problems of high injection pressure and serious short of injection during polymer flooding and subsequent water flooding in Shengli Oilfield, this paper analyzes the reasons of reservoir plugging and under injection,the composition of polymer plug on site, combining with the hidden danger in application of ordinary oxide polymer plugging remover,a new type of polymer plugging remover was developed, and its performance was evaluated. Depolymerizing agent is inactive at room temperature, security and stabilit. It can release oxygen free radicals at reservoir temperature, dissolve polymer blockage near wellbore area,and degrade polymers into small molecular polymers. The capacity of dissolving polymer blockage and viscosity reduction rate is more than 90% respectively. In the application of field test, the pretreatment process and stabilization process have been matched in later period based on actual situation, by which, it could remove plug and stimulate injection for polymer injection wells and the subsequent water flooding under injection wells. The effect of augmented injection was enhanced, and the validity period of stability injection was extended.
Key words:  polymer flooding and post flooding  polymer plug  polymer plug remover  oxygen free radical  performance of polymer plugging removal  dissolution degree