引用本文:韩慧,王晓琴. 天然气中微量乙二醇的取样测定[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 675-678.
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韩慧1,2, 王晓琴1,2
天然气采出后通过人工注入乙二醇作为水合物抑制剂,以预防设备和管道的堵塞。建立可行有效的天然气中微量乙二醇取样测定方法,有利于对乙二醇加注量的指导。本方法采用溶剂解吸型硅胶在管输压力下富集天然气中微量的乙二醇,再通过液体解吸后进行气相色谱分析。在现场取样体积10 m3、用10 mL解吸液处理的条件下,乙二醇的检测限可达到0.05 mg/m3。 
关键词:  天然气  乙二醇  取样  气相色谱  分析 
Sampling and determination of trace ethylene glycol in natural gas
Han Hui1,2, Wang Xiaoqin1,2
1.Research Institute of Natural gas Technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.Natural Gas Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Pertoleum Industry, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China
Natural gas after produced is often served as a hydrate inhibitor by manual injection of ethylene glycol to prevent plugging of equipment and pipeline. The viable and effective method was established for sampling and determination of trace ethylene glycol in natural gas. It’s beneficial guidance to the injection amount of ethylene glycol. The trace ethylene glycol in natural gas was enriched with the solvent desorption silica gel under pipeline pressure, and then desorption liquid was analyzed by gas chromatography after desorbing. The detection limits of ethylene glycol can reach 0.05 mg/m3 when the sample volume is 10 m3 and the liquid used for desorption is 10 mL.
Key words:  natural gas  ethylene glycol  sampling  gas chromatography  analyze