引用本文:成永强,崔婧,张琳. LNG接收站内天然气流量测量准确度研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 684-688.
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成永强, 崔婧, 张琳
LNG接收站内涉及到天然气的计量主要有LNG到港计量、外输流量计量、储罐罐存计量和增压气化过程中的流量计量。LNG到港计量和外输流量计量用于贸易交接,对交接双方的经济利益影响很大,要求计量结果准确可靠。外输流量计量中,气质分析过程中产生的密度误差可能引起较大的流量测量误差。储罐罐存计量可能由于存在检定时对体积的赋值不准引起较大的盘库误差,建议投用后根据实际条件重新进行校验,减小测量误差。增压气化过程中的流量计量由于不同LNG存在密度差异,利用文丘里流量计测量质量流量容易造成较大的测量误差。 
关键词:  流量测量  测量误差  准确度  盘库误差 
Study on accuracy of natural gas flow measurement in LNG terminal
Cheng Yongqiang, Cui Jing, Zhang Lin
PetroChina Dalian Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited, Dalian 116600, Liaoning, China
The gas metering related to the LNG terminal includes port metering, transmission metering, tank metering and process metering. Port metering and transmission metering used for trade metering require accurate and reliable measurement results. The density measurement error generated from gas component analysis can lead to the mass flow metering error in transmission metering. Due to the assignment allowed for volume of tank in calibration may cause stocktaking error, it is recommended to re-calibrate the volume of tank after commission to reduce measurement error. Because of differences in the density of LNG, the measuring of Venturi mass flow meter is likely to cause measurement error in process metering.
Key words:  flow measurement  measurement error  accuracy  stocktaking error