引用本文:张新虎,李振林,段梦兰,何斌. 天然气在线水含量/水露点换算仪设计与试验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 679-683.
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张新虎1,2, 李振林2, 段梦兰1,2, 何斌3
天然气的水含量和水露点指标对于天然气的管道运输和生产装置的正常运行非常重要,但是目前现场所使用的在线水含量/水露点分析仪内置软件对于这两个指标的换算结果与真实值之间的偏差很大。为了解决此问题,设计开发了基于OPC通信的在线天然气水含量/水露点换算仪。经过试验证明该换算仪可以实时在线运行,具有很好的换算精度和换算效率。 
关键词:  天然气  水含量  水露点  换算仪  OPC通信 
Design and experiment of natural gas online moisture content/water dew point conversion instrument
Zhang Xinhu1,2, Li Zhenlin2, Duan Menglan1,2, He Bin3
1.Offshore Oil and Gas Research Center, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China;2.College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China;3.Research Institute of Natural Gas, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, 610213, Chengdu.Sichuan
The moisture content and water dew point of natural gas are keys to its pipeline transportation. At present, the conversion software within natural gas moisture and dew point instrument has low accuracy. In order to solve this problem, an instrument of conversion for natural gas moisture content/water dew point based on OPC communication has been designed and developed. The experiment showed that the instrument could run real-time online and had good computational accuracy and efficiency.
Key words:  natural gas  moisture content  water dew point  conversion instrument  OPC communication